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Center for Indonesian Medical Students' Activities (CIMSA) is a non-profit and non government organization that is independent, nationalist, non-political and non partisan with activity based programs. Having 26 active locals throughout Indonesia, CIMSA is affiliated with International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA), the biggest students’ organization in the world who has been recognized by United Nations.

CIMSA has 6 Standing Committees (SCO), in which each will focus on one different field:


  • SCOME : Medical Education

  • SCORA : Sexual & Reproductive Health Including HIV/AIDS

  • SCOPH : Public Health

  • SCOPE : Profesional Exchange

  • SCORE : Research Exchange

  • SCORP : Human Rights and Peace




Throw Back

Setelah era reformasi, terjadi banyak perubahan dalam berbagai bidang di Indonesia, termasuk bidang kesehatan dan kedokteran. Pentingnya peningkatan kualitas hidup masyarakat Indonesia juga perlu disertai dengan peningkatan kualitas dari tenaga kesehatan dan mahasiswa kedokteran. Salah satu kunci untuk meningkatkan kualitas kesehatan adalah dengan memaparkan mahasiswa kedokteran dengan pengetahuan lebih lanjut lagi dan memberikan mahasiswa kedokteran wadah untuk mengaplikasikan kemampuan serta kapasitasnya untuk sukses dan bertahan di masa-masa perubahan ini. CIMSA mendukung anggotanya dalam proses perubahan yang terjadi sekarang ini, dan menjadi forum diskusi dan jaringan untuk mahasiswa kedokteran di seluruh Indonesia untuk memberikan manfaat baik bagi masyarakat Indonesia.




CIMSA (Center for Indonesian Medical Students’ Activities) / PAMKI (Pusat Aktivitas Mahasiswa Kedokteran Indonesia) resmi didirikan tanggal 6 Mei 2001 oleh beberapa mahasiswa kedokteran dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia sebagai suatu organisasi nirlaba dan non-pemerintahan, bersifat independen, nasionalis, inklusif, non-politik, dan non-partisan yang berbasis aktivitas. 



Terbentuknya organisasi ini berawal dari keinginan akan hadirnya organisasi yang berdasarkan aktivitas yang berkelanjutan, memanfaatkan teknologi yang berkembang, dengan level kegiatan bertaraf internasional untuk dapat mendukung mahasiswa kedokteran di Indonesia. 


CIMSA mewujudkan SDGs melalui 8 poin CIMSA program yaitu, Non-Communicable Disease, Communicable Disease, Maternal Health, HIV/AIDS and other STIs, Human Rights Equality, Environmental Sustainability, Human Resources for Health dan Health System.



Semua terangkum dalam

ACTIVE yaitu :

A : Activity based


C : Continuity based


T : Technology based


I : International based


VE : accomodatiVE



“To empower Indonesia medical students in order to create a healthier, more secure and more prosperous Indonesia where people can enjoy equal opportunities in education and health and also in effort to improve lives and also reach prosperity and social justice. In addition is to reach universally healthier lives for a healthier world."





"To empower medical students to be able to actively learn and create, and also to plan strategies and execute movements to improve nation’s health and well being."



  1. To be the media between Indonesian medical student and professional organizations, both governmental and non governmental, in order to intensify cooperation for public interests.

  2. To increase the capacity of Indonesian medical students, to use the capacities and capabilities as a medical student to nourish and educate the nation, to actively cooperate with the international community in the effort to improve the world’s health, and fight for the dignity and sovereignty of Indonesia in the eyes of other nations in the world.

  3. Actively improve nation’s health by real activities in community.

  4. Actively support the improvement of medical education in Indonesia.

  5. To provide a forum for medical students in Indonesia to discuss topics related to the individual and community’s health, education and knowledge, and to formulate policies from the discussions.

  6. To support and facilitate professional and research exchanges as well as extracurricular projects and training for medical students, thus introducing them to other cultures and their health problems to improve the medical profession.







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