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National Leadership Summit (NLS) is one of the annual events of CIMSA Indonesia besides the October Meeting and May Meeting. This year, National Leadership Summit was held by Universitas Syiah Kuala at Asrama Haji Embarkasi Banda Aceh on January 30th- February 2nd 2020. The theme of NLS 2020 is “Addressing National Scale Issues to Create Global Impacts through Medical Students' Movement towards the Sustainable Development Agenda”. Practically, NLS was a moment to empower CIMSA's members as a representative of Indonesia's medical students while introducing the national official positions', preparing the regenerations and bonding with other CIMSA's members from different local.

NLS 2020 consists of several agenda such as New Comers Session, Welcoming Party, Plenary Session, Training, General Issues Update, National Issues Council, Grand Lecture, IFMSA Session, Small Sharing Group, Suspro Expo, Parallel Session, Regional Session, and Farewell Party. Inside the productive agenda, there is some impressive speaker. It was unbelievable that we could meet inspiring people like Mr. M.N. Awaluddin from Dompet Dhuafa, dr. Salwiyadi from The Leaders, Ir. Syaifullah, M.Si from Dispora Kota Banda Aceh and dr. Tira Aswitama from UNICEF shared their opinion about exploring environment and disaster management programs through youth action to create global impact. Next, you can also meet some experienced people like Dra. Ardiyani, Apt, M.Si from Kemenkes RI and Mr. Benyamin Sihombing from WHO Indonesia talked about antibiotic resistance as a global issue, also Mr. Akbar from Maxiim talked about how technology makes the world more accessible. Another amazing people like Amrina Habibi, S.H, M.H from P2TP2A talked about human right and peace, Mr. Munzami HS from Gerakan Aceh Peduli explained about finance in a non-profit organization, Dr. Melanie Hidayat from UNFPA shared to us about family planning and drg. Supriady, M.Kes from Dinkes Kota Banda Aceh talked about communicable and non-communicable disease.

CIMSA FK Unsyiah presented 38 delegations and a trainer, Randika Richard Rosefa who spoke about understanding and developing organizational culture.

Lastly, NLS 2020 ended with a cheerful moment since we get an award that elected by CIMSA National Officials. Congratulations to Andika Ari Syahputra as Best Fundraising and Merchandise Director, Wiryanti Ambarita as Lifetime Achievement Trainer, Muhammad Arif as SCORP Best Member, Fadhilah Jamal as SCOPH Best Member, Qusyairi Aulia Rahman as SCOPE Best Member, Ezi Juraij as SCORA Best Member and Shabrina Masturah who get an appreciation as Assistant Secretary on Plenary Session. What a stunning moment!

Lastly, it was such an unforgettable moment for CIMSA FK Unsyiah to be the host of NLS 2020. We hope that we can meet again in the next national events and create a bunch of good memories. Cheers!

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